Maïté Holgado

Novembre 2017🌪

I learn that I have an autoimmune disease, ankylosing spondylitis. Under this not very glamorous name hides in fact chronic inflammation of the joints, causing severe pain in the lumbar region and stiffening of the spine.

My very first seizure is so violent that it paralyzes me. I stay in bed, unable to unlock this bruised body.

My world is falling apart… “To accept this disease is unbearable for me. My heart is bleeding, resentment and incomprehension rise in me, bitterness runs through my veins and nibbles at me from within.

Maïte Holgado - Creator of talismans - Dried flowers - Stones - Energy healing - Âme en Fleurs

I was far from suspecting that this is precisely where it was all going to begin…🌈

Maïte Holgado - Creator of talismans - Dried flowers - Stones - Energy healing - Âme en Fleurs

After a stay in the hospital and a brand new hip, I was transferred to a rehabilitation center to appropriate the prosthesis.

I arrive there in a wheelchair, with the firm conviction that everything happens for a reason and that I will, of course, relearn to walk … but not that … ☺️

I find myself facing myself, facing my anger and my doubts, facing my questions. In me a change is taking place and as the weeks go by, the feelings give way to faith. I am not saving my efforts and soon the wheelchair is replaced by the walker. Then come the crutches and the deep goal in me to leave this center on my own two feet. Each of these steps is a small victory that I welcome with gratitude.

My path is gradually lighting up and it is with a smile that every morning my eyes open.

I listen to the birdsong, I feel with delight the wind caressing my cheeks and the sun warming my skin … like a new breath of life that invades me and makes me believe that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, that EVERYTHING IS RIGHT and that I am exactly where I need to be… 🙏

The days go by and bonds are forged with a few patients who regularly come to see me to talk. I listen to them with kindness, pointing out certain details to which they hardly paid attention but which in my opinion were very important. I suggest avenues for reflection that sometimes encourage them to accept that NOTHING IS Frozen and that they have the capacity within them to change what needs to be changed.

Smiles begin to resurface on their lips and in their eyes. Hearts lighten and bodies unravel as if by magic …

When I leave the center, it is with the certainty that I have finally found my life mission: to help people, to accompany them to realize their true potential.

Maïte Holgado - Creator of talismans - Dried flowers - Stones - Energy healing - Âme en Fleurs

To all who have had the courage to read me so far… 😅 WELL DONE 👏
(Those who already know me will tell you: I’m pretty talkative now … you know😉).

Maïte Holgado - Creator of talismans - Dried flowers - Stones - Energy healing - Âme en Fleurs

It takes me two years (almost three by the way 🤔) for things to fall into place.

I let myself be guided by my intuition, listening to the signs the Universe is sending me.

First, there is my “encounter” with the stones … The vibrations that they convey allow me to restore balance in me and to harmonize my energies (until then a little turbulent I admit 🤫).

I savor this sweet feeling of inner peace, but sometimes the pains of spondylitis come on suddenly reminding me that it is time for me to take an interest in them.

Maïte Holgado - Creator of talismans - Dried flowers - Stones - Energy healing - Âme en Fleurs

This is where Reiki comes into my life…

Maïte Holgado - Creator of talismans - Dried flowers - Stones - Energy healing - Âme en Fleurs

I am initiating myself at the 1st level and my practice is above all personal.

I am discovering self-treatment, the goal of which is to connect to the individual health potential present in each of us.

My physical pain subsides, I decide to initiate myself at level 2 to deepen this connection and be able to share it.

Throughout this process, I feel like a presence, a love that is familiar to me and that inspires me with ideas in the hollow of my soul…

I feel the need to connect more with nature 🍃 and to contemplate its beauty, to take the time to wonder, as did my Granny who knew how to spend long minutes observing the meticulous work of a spider weaving its canvas. 🕸

This is how my very first flower garland was born … 🌼 watching poppies playing with the wind, their dance was so light and poetic that I wanted to be inspired by it. 🌾

So it might sound weird to you but today I know I’m not alone when I create … 🧚🏼

All the energies of love that my guides send to me those dear ones in my heart, who live forever in my soul ’spin around me.

And every evening, gazing at the sky and talking to the Moon 🌝 I know that among the stars some shine for me.

Maïte Holgado - Creator of talismans - Dried flowers - Stones - Energy healing - Âme en Fleurs

There you go…

Now that we know each other a little better…🙈

I let you discover my Talismans… 🧙‍♀️

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